Your Gem Spot yoni egg serves as a powerful ally to helping you bring more authenticity into your life. It supports and encourages you to blossom and spin creativity, honouring your story and your season.
We have selected only high quality crystals with remarkable properties to help you heal and grow, ensuring fair trade and a loving attitude.
Lapis Lazuli harmonizes the physical, emotional, mental and auric aspects of being. It leads to increased self-knowledge and empowers positive action to a more fulfilling life. This important crystal facilitates personal expression without compromising or holding back, releasing blockages around the throat and installing honesty, compassion and virtue.
A powerful source of protection, the crystal repels negative energies and teaches the power of speech communication, while removing angst caused by a lack of expression in the past.
Lapis Lazuli is found primarily in Russia, Afghanistan, Chili, Italy, the United States, Egypt and the Middle East.
Each crystal resonates with one of the five Blast Personality Flavours. Lapis Lazuli enhances the Emergent personality flavour, inviting the kind of spontaneity that leads to win-win situations for everyone. Lapis Lazuli is great if your Emergent Flavour is low compared to the other flavours. To find your Personality Flavours, take the quiz here.
We suggest buying a GemSpot that enhances the Flavour in you that is least present. By doing this, the GemSpot will help you become more complete and help you develop new abilities and personality traits.
Your Gem Spot comes with an e-booklet that explains the history of the GemSpot, how to activate and use your intimate bijou and the base from which to develop your practice. We encourage you to personalize this ceremony and adapt it to reflect your uniqueness.

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